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Solar Filter

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Ch Virinchi
Ch Virinchi
I’m an aspiring space scientist, coder by night, inventor, love memorising and reciting long hymns in Sanskrit
Table of Contents

What is a Solar Filter?

Solar Filter is a telescope accessory used by astronomers to enhance the details of the Sun. If viewed without a Solar Filter, the heat from the Sun is enough to fry the eyeballs right in our sockets.

Step 1: Trace out your telescope diameter

Trace out your Telescope’s diameter on your solar film(As light as possible). After doing that, divide the length by half and you will have the radius(r1). Now, add 1cm extra to the radius(r1 + 1cm) and trace it again on the Solar film using the compass. Now, cut the second circle made.

Step 2: Cutting the Cardboard

Now take the original radius(r1) on your compass and draw a circle on the cardboard. Repeat the same process but this time add 2cm to it and draw a circle on the cardboard. Cut the cardboard on both the circles. Next, draw two circles with radius r1 and radius (r1 + 1cm). Cut them again and in the end, you should be having two rings of widths 2cm and 1cm.

Step 3: Gumming it

Place the smaller ring on the bottom and place the Solar film you’ve cut on top. Add the second ring you’ve cut and glue it.

Step 4: Attach your engineering marvel on to the telescope securely

Once the glue dries, punch three holes on the larger cardboard ring(careful not to damage the film!). Then, using small strings, tie it firmly in front of your telescope so that it does not fall off with a gust of wind. Even a ‘quick flash’ of Sunlight is enough to cause permanent blindness in your eyes.

Step 5: Start observing the Sun from your homemade Solar observatory!

Once you’ve attached the Filter securely to the telescope, you are ready to start observing the sun! Here are a few warnings to always keep in mind-

  • Always ensure that the filter is firmly secured to the Telescope before training it on the sun.
  • When focussing on the sun, NEVER EVER look at the sun directly as it can cause permanent blindness. Always focus your Telescope’s shadow on the ground and make it as round as possible so that the sun comes into the field of view.
  • Always opt for mid-day observing sessions as the sun is much brighter.


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